Thursday, March 4, 2010

Din Group Presentations

I really enjoyed the "open book" feel that groups 1 and 2 have. Also I really enjoyed the minimilist and organic feel of Camilo's group. I guess I'm wondering how these completely disparate groups are going to be able to co-inhabit the same space. I think however, that it might work if everyone can agree on one look that bleeds through the whole zine. I think that the crescendoing din have some really great ideas about involving people through Facebook. Like wise I think that the graphic novel group really thought about incorporating different readers and aesthetics. I suppose, I think that my group "fall out shelter" could potentially be a way for all these groups to exist together. For example the "organic" group could inhabit a certain room in the shelter. Or the graphic novel group could be linked by a comic book sitting on a table in the shelter. That's just an idea. I am very concerned about continuity.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lat Week's Class

Hi, I said I would blog about what we talked about in class last week for those that weren't there. Sorry it's so late. We really only had about 15 mins in our group to talk, but we did discuss how maybe we want the page to look. We talked about the map of the fallout shelter to be our navigation system. Let me back up, we saw this cool website a few weeks ago in class that gave blueprints for building your own snack bar/ fall-out shelter (government propaganda during the Cold War in the 60's). and some of us thought that it might be cool to utilize that for our navigational map. I don't know what everyone thinks, but it's an idea. I also found this quote I thought would be cool somewhere on our front page, "...amidst that din they chased each other across the sky..." Walt Whitman (from a poem). Also some of us thouight that is we could incorperate poems exploding on the screen or colliding with other things that might be kinda cool!(?) We do have presentation for the whole class on our little pod on March 4 (I think), so we should have some solid ideas by then (obviously). But we were kind of stuck last week on any more brilliant schemes because we don't really know what kind of submissions were dealing with. I think what seems to be the focus that Connie and Jen have is an interesting way to engage with the internet. So that's all I have at the moment... See some of you in class. By the way if someone could show me how to do spell check on this thing in class, that would be awesome.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Grapes of Wrath:" Response and Opinion

In response to this project, I think that the creators intention was understandable: create a piece that relates the issues of the Great Depression clustered on the route of migration that Steinbeck writes in Grapes of Wrath. However i do not think that this connection is truly fleshed out. Just because the focus is this mythical route does not mean that the same issues concern the paople living there currently as they did during the Dust Bowl. The Southwest is portrayed as "flat" and colorless, which is not the case. I think it is an interseting approach however i do not think that the project needed to be in this form. In other words function followed form.