Thursday, March 4, 2010

Din Group Presentations

I really enjoyed the "open book" feel that groups 1 and 2 have. Also I really enjoyed the minimilist and organic feel of Camilo's group. I guess I'm wondering how these completely disparate groups are going to be able to co-inhabit the same space. I think however, that it might work if everyone can agree on one look that bleeds through the whole zine. I think that the crescendoing din have some really great ideas about involving people through Facebook. Like wise I think that the graphic novel group really thought about incorporating different readers and aesthetics. I suppose, I think that my group "fall out shelter" could potentially be a way for all these groups to exist together. For example the "organic" group could inhabit a certain room in the shelter. Or the graphic novel group could be linked by a comic book sitting on a table in the shelter. That's just an idea. I am very concerned about continuity.


  1. I completely share your concerns about continuity. We also have to be very conscientious of the fact that someone ELSE will have to pick up the mag where we leave it at the end of the semester...if they have to figure out four different designs, they'll be miserable. I think the class should vote to select one idea.

  2. Continuity is totally going to be our main problem. I think for this to work we are gonna have to seek out general themes rather than totally adopting one group or another's specific design. Did you notice any trends - homemade, like a book, space? I think there's a way to pull all these groups together but i think every group will have to give a little -- maybe a lot.
